Tuesday 21 October 2008

Whatever happened to philosophical integrity?

I saw a punk with a great Mohawk at Salamanca the other day.  He was carrying earth-friendly recyclable bags. 

If there is "no future", why bother with recycling?

What is your excuse this time, cricketerati?

So, India are one-up.  What happened to the invincible Australian team? Perhaps we were outplayed by a better team?  

Peter Roebuck's suggestion that a composite team would feature three Australians and one is "iffy" (Shane Watson) suggests were are not the number one team at the moment.  

I look forward to your responses! 

Saturday 4 October 2008

Or is it Sandy Bay?

Happened to come across Partisan supporter Rodd Banks Smith of "why do I do it?" fame last night. I described the plan for the Derwent City venture - including the fly-in Snooker.  Mr Banks Smith Junior was unimpressed and asked us to return to the Bay.

What say you Partisans?!
